".公司xn--55qx5d" and ".网络xn--io0a7i" Landrush Auction Services Evaluation Results Announcement
Landrush auction of ”.公司xn--55qx5d”& ”.网络xn--io0a7i”will start from UTC 00:00:00 1st Sep., 2014 to UTC 00:00:00 27th Sep., 2014. CNNIC recently called for general public bidding partners for a better auction service which has successfully fulfilled by now. Companies involved in the tender are:
Beijing Ejee Huatong Technology Co., Ltd.
HangZhou AiMing Network Co.,Ltd.
DNBiz Limited.
EU Technology (HK) Limited.
After careful evaluation, the final bid winner for the highest composite score is: HangZhou AiMing Network Co.,Ltd. CNNIC also thanks and appreciates the concern and big support for CNNIC and Chinese IDN from all partners.
China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
18th August 2014
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