In July, 2010, “.中国”(.China)was officially accepted and added into the root zonefile as the Chinese character TLD and achieved the overall visits to the Internet. During the development process of the past two years, “.中国”(.China)has been recognized and acknowledged by extensive users. “.中国”(.China)was gradually improved in the aspects of registration service system and technological system. As an standalone TLD, “.中国”(.China)has possessed the registration and service prerequisites and capability. To promote the smooth development of “.中国”(.China)so as to meet the requirements of China’s Internet development, we made the announcement of registration and service of “.中国”(.China)as follows:
I. From 29th October, 2012, “中文.CN” (“”) and “中文.中国” (“Chinese. China” ) will be respectively implemented the standalone registration and service.
II. From 29th October, 2012, users can comply with the naming rules of simply using or combining with the Chinese characters, English letters or Arabic numerals and hyphen for “.中国”(.China)domain name with the naming rules of “.CN” and other TLDs as the references. In order to protect the interests of relevant registrants, we will further notify the registration process with the naming rules as simply using or combining with the English letters or Arabic numerals and hyphen.
“.中国” is the Chinese character TLD representing of China on the global Internet. We welcome all potential customers to register “.中国”(.China)on their own wish. If you have any comments and suggestions about registration and application of “.中国”(.China), please contact our accredited registrars or CNNIC as following:
Tel: 010-58813000 (7*24)
Fax: 010-58812666
China Internet Network Information Center
28th May, 2012