CNNIC Started to Implement the Allocation Management Policy of “the Last A” IPv4 Addresses from April 15, 2011
On April 15, 2011, APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information Center) announced that the IPv4 addresses available for free allocation have been exhausted and there was only one A (/8) left in the address pool, with the Asian-Pacific region entering the third stage of IPv4 address exhaustion. Meanwhile, CNNIC started to implement the allocation management policy of “the last A” IPv4 addresses, namely, both new and veteran members of APNIC are entitled to apply for IPv4 addresses of 4C(/22)to a maximum extent, aiming to avail the newly-established network operation organizations of IPv4 addresses necessary for their operation and prepare for gradual transition to application of IPv6 addresses. This allocation management policy of (CNNIC) also applies to both the new and veteran members of CNNIC IP Address Allocation Alliance of Mainland China and CNNIC.
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