1. I have applied to CNNIC for an IP address; do I still need to make payment for AS number application?
Answer: Members of CNNIC IP Address Allocation Alliance are qualified to apply for AS Number whether they have applied to CNNIC for an IP address or not. The annual payment for each AS number is 10,000 RMB.
2. What are the prerequisites for AS Number application?
Answer: a. The Applicant’s network shall have.multiple network accesses
b. The Applicant shall fill in Application Form of AS Number discreetly.
c. The Applicant shall provide the agreement with regards to use of BGP by both parties signed with an ISP.
d. The Applicant shall use the AS number applied to set a mutual BGP agreement with one ISP within one month, and to set mutual BGP agreements with two or more ISPs within three months.
3. When should I apply for the AS Number if I do not need the AS Number until later?
Answer: The Alliance Member that has obtained an AS Number shall use the AS Number within three months, otherwise CNNIC has the right to withdraw the AS Number and allocate it to another member. Based on previous practices of CNNIC, a qualified member can obtain an AS Number from CNNIC within two weeks. Therefore, CNNIC expects the Alliance Member to apply for an AS number one month prior to its use and CNNIC will allocate the AS Number timely upon the reception of the application materials.
4. In the event that a member has signed BGP agreement with only one IPS, what should it do if it wants the AS number application and BGP agreement signing to go simultaneously?
Answer: CNNIC would exercise discretion in light of the circumstances. If CNNIC approves the application, the member should undertake to use the AS Number within three months and provide BGPs with two ISPs. Otherwise, CNNIC has the right to withdraw the allocated AS number.